Nov 13, 2014

REVEALED! Full List of Boko Haram Sponsors In Nigeria

Boko Haram leader Shekau has released a new video where he mentioned names of Boko Haram sponsors in Nigeria.

It is alleged that he angrily mentioned their names after they threatened to back-out of the arms sponsorship.

ALSO READ: "Why I Beat Ugandan Baby To Point of Death" — Nanny Opens Up

In the new video, Shekau allegedly mentioned a list of 8 influential Nigerians — former Presidents, 1 Clergy and 3 Muslim traditional rulers. 

This is really a shocking development if all pans out to be true. We will update you with the video once it's available soon. Keep in touch.


  1. Pls this need to be investigated no body is above d law

    1. then, who will investigate the mater. nobody is above the law but law has no power over some peples

  2. This is not far from the truth.

  3. Nw wht is gej doin ?

    1. what do u want him to do ? is there any evidence of what the idiot said ?

  4. It's known now dat de religion Islam,is violent by default..cuz their holy book teaches about Jihad...I don't see holiness in killing,in wars..Believe it or not,the book also teaches every muslim to fight for the course of Allah..which in anoda hand,doesn't make sense..If God is Almighty,humans and even angels ain't worthy to fight for Him.
    I don't belong to any religious sect,but i believe in the power of a supreme Creator. Humans should abolish religion,as it's de next form of prejudice,just like racism,slavery and ethnic-ism. We all can dwell together on earth and make it our paradise,where LOVE & HAPPINESS rule..Cuz at the end of it all,you'd wonder what the fcuk we fighting for,and why were we born in the first place,if this is how we gotta go?
    Man die cuz he lacks knowledge.. No better fulfillment in life than being happy.

    1. The world would be something else without relgion , the problem is if this religious leaders imam and so on could talk to this extremist then the world b a better place but no dey fear extinction that's the problem

    2. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus is Life eternal. give Him a place in your life.

    3. And Oritsejafor and co. should be thoroughly investigation.

  5. What is GEj doing? I tot I read that... He doesn't know he is the president.. He is just been pushed up n down like a puppet.. Lots of blood on the soil because of his (mumulicious) permit my word pls act. Buy perfect money in Nigeria thanks

    1. APC Muslim party and some Muslim leaders are behand them. GEJ has human feeling, those people are trying to spoil his Government because his is from the opposition State. let get it right. He will surely go in for second term.

    2. And their Commanders are Ihejerika, Madu Shariff "Stephen Davis" and all pdpig chieftains while Oritsejafor is their grand patron and masterminder of all terrorist act in 9ja. "Recent revelation of arms smuggling from South Africa"

  6. So pathetic? Sucking demons.

    1. Gen 16:11-end 11 The angel of the Lord also said to her:
      “You are now pregnant
      and you will give birth to a son.
      You shall name him Ishmael,[a]
      for the Lord has heard of your misery.
      12 He will be a wild donkey of a man;
      his hand will be against everyone
      and everyone’s hand against him,
      and he will live in hostility
      toward[b] all his brothers.”
      13 She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen[c] the One who sees me.” 14 That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roi[d]; it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.
      15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. 16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore him Ishmael.

      Am happy the bible is real. -

  7. I am a Muslim... jihad doesn't mean killing people.. jihad can be through working. Working in order to provide to Muslim ummah..dont get me wrong here.. Rather than pointing hands and insulting each other it's better if we all learn to understand each other and pray for the best

    1. am a Christian but nice one coming from you......

    2. Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    3. if you cant lay your hand on any translated quaran pls i advoce you to go and googgle what quaran says about killing non-believers and you will be shocked t your bones what you are gonna see.forget all this talk

  8. Let's not come on here and insult each others religion. It's not fair just because you dont understand Islam doesn't mean you should come on here and insult them. Likewise we Muslims just because we dont understand Christianity doesn't mean we should insult it... Respect each others religion.. We should learn to understand things before saying our minds... These people are attacking ALL of us... So we should pray for the country.. TOGETHER

    1. Serious prayers. Pray without ceasing.

  9. We must put an end to the wasting of the innocent soul in this country.

  10. all animals are equal but some animals are taller than the other

  11. The truth is coming out gradually. These people should be investigated and if they are found guilty, they should be taking to Abuja national stadium and made to face the firing squad.


  13. God is a SELF SUFFICIENT and ALMIGHTY,no human can stand for HIM.yea, the blood of the innocent will surely carry for vengeance.

  14. Where is d lov, if an imam daughter can never marry a pastor son, but d old religion allow inter religious marriage, this new religion causes problem in this world if u ar fightin for god, that means your god is weak, and ungodly, to me god is everything, powerfully peacefully , lovely etc

  15. A man will reap wat he SOW now or later

  16. u people are just some how in manners, you dont have to mention the faults of a person till u clean and purify ur hearts. instead, why cant we stay and understand each others, we all heard what this person said. IBB needs Nigeria to be distroyed, but Allah is greater than all and we are Nigerians, we have to be united since we realised that they just want to kill us... atlast i will like to ask u people to pray for those people that is presently suffering for this...ALHAMDULILLAH


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