Dec 19, 2014

Heartbreaking: Meet Fahat, One Of The 54 Soldiers Sentenced To Death For Mutiny | Photos

Meet Fahat Fahat, one of the 54 young Nigerian soldiers condemned to death by firing squard for refusing to fight Boko Haram with 'bare hands'.

Fahat Fahat, one of the 54 soldiers sentenced to death for mutiny
Fahat Fahat

In his recent Facebook post, he said:
"Hello ladies and gentle men. I am soldier and I am sentenced to death by the Nigerian Army. (be)Cause we did not go to fight Boko Haram without equipment. We ask for weapon instead (they) gave (us) death sentence."
This is really touching and heartbreaking..

Fahat Fahat, one of the 54 soldiers sentenced to death for mutiny

Fahat’s wall showed different pictures and posts of an excited soldier. In one post, he said:
“I am a commando trooper, Jumper Canta Force Galopa Amphibios (sic). Above I am a gorilla, the king of the jungle. I am trained to kill the wicked. I am proud to be a killer. We do good things to good people and bad things to bad people. One man one bullet, sometimes, one man, one magazine.”
What the above update simply mean is that he is prepared to die fighting for his beloved country. These soldiers never refused to fight boko haram. They are ever ready and that shows braveness. All they asked for was weapons, and they gave them death sentence.

President Jonathan can use his power to grant them Presidential pardon. It's your call Mr President.

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