Dec 5, 2014

Sad Photos: Father Carries His Late Son's Coffin During Burial, RIP Phil Hughes

I spent several minutes starring at these pictures. How painful it must be for Gregory Hughes as he helped carry his late son Phil Hughes' coffin into his funeral which held on December 3.

Phillip Hughes funeral, Gregory Hughes carries Phil Hughes casket with tears
Gregory Hughes carries his late son's casket with tears

Phillip Hughes funeral

Australian cricketer Phil Hughes was struck in the back of the neck by a ball during a cricket game in Sydney, Australia.

Sadly, the injury was severe that he died on November 27th, two days after the incident. Phil lost his life just three days to his 26th birthday.

No parent should witness such a tragic occurrence. Heart touching indeed.

Phillip Hughes funeral,
His mother held back in tears

Phillip Hughes funeral,
Late Phillip Hughes

The funeral was attended by over 1,000 people including many national and sporting dignitaries as well as the Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott. It was also broadcast live on Australian TV.

RIP Phillip Hughes. So saddening.

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1 comment:

  1. It's really sad to see. God please don't let this happen in my family..Amen.. RIP Phil


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