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The Nanny who beat an 18-month-old Ugandan toddler to near death has explained why she did what angered everyone who saw the video.

Speaking to, Jolly Tumuhiirwe who is presently awaiting trial in Luzira prison said:
“My dad in Kabale was very sick and my mom did not have any money. I asked my bosses for some money to send to my dad but they told me that I hadn’t made a month yet and my father was dying, so it kept on haunting me. That is the more reason I referred the anger to the baby but I’m sorry.ALSO READ: Ugandan Maid Pleads Guilty To Child Abuse, Might Face 15 Years In Prison
"But that madam (Arnella’s mom) is not easy. She used to say that I steal money from the clothes and Eric’s wallet, I eat the babies food…and yet I can’t eat the food, I’m not a baby, those were all lies, so, I was also not happy from my heart.
"I feel guilty, ok.. when I was doing it I thought I was disciplining the baby because also the mother sometimes slaps her, I also saw from the mom. The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again.
"Even my fellow prisoners are beating me up. Nobody likes me and I feel bad. I will never do it again. I ask the world to forgive me and also tell the bosses who have maids to treat them well.”
She is a wicked monster, go to hell
ReplyDeleteNo excuse in the world will ever take away the images of that baby being beaten. Fuck you.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lame excuse and she did eat the baby's food on that footage.
ReplyDeleteGo 2hell u bastard, if u were nt hapi the way u were treated u shuld had leav n luk 4ada job! Nxa u r e monster!
ReplyDeleteI agree but learn how to type properly you idiot.
DeleteP.S I'm only 16 and type better than you
Sorry for shit. You don't feel sorry u wicket witch.. You deserve to be hanged. Ppl like you don't deserve to be alive... Nxa..
Delete16yrs Old fellow, please respect yourself.
DeleteWho are we to Judge??? Nobody is Perfect.
DeleteWho are we to Judge??? Nobody is Perfect.
True, only the Lord can judge.
DeleteDon't U all wanna give her a second chance "...WITH YOUR OWN CHILDREN...?? ..Him!?... ...How at that...???
DeleteOnly jus 6months each in turns
U deserve 2 rote in jail u ar a wicked bastard i wish god can panish u fr the rest of ur life ,nxa
ReplyDeletego to jail that where people like u should stay.wicked woman.
ReplyDeleteU annoy me.
ReplyDeleteWell, that is now medicine after death... u r now a candidate of jail, that's whr u belong!
ReplyDeletewhy not telling the parents her feelings not the innocent child n she sais she is sorry , if the mother slaps the child does she says u do it also that's a lie god will punish u for the girl rot in the jail u deserve it.
ReplyDeleteori nri nwa....shame
ReplyDeleteWe forgive you, but serve your term
ReplyDeleteNo I don't forget, let's rather put her in jail and wait for the toddler to reach the age of 16 to give that ruling.
Deletepeople like you deserves to rot in jail, NO NEGOTIATIONS
ReplyDeleteshe is sick............................
ReplyDeleteThe deed has been done, she needs some orientation and rehab. At least that has served a lesson to some lazy and careless mothers
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm better without a bsby with these busy mothers of today.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteTo air is human, forgive is divice, Please let forgive her, Our father forgive us our sins 2.
ReplyDeleteTo ERR is human, to forgive is DEVINE!
DeleteTo ERR is human, to forgive is DIVINE
DeleteWhat she did is wrong in many ways, but who are we to cast stones at her as if we have never sinned ourselves. Judgment is not oirs but the Lords. We can only pray for her to be restored.
Deleteit doesn't justify her deed. you cant just says forgive her!!! what if it was your child? what would you do? you guys can speak your mind now but what would you do when it happens with you????
DeleteU say we have all sinned . i know we have but please tell me how many of us have sinned in such a disgusting way as to beat an inocent baby with no sins at all to the fine line of life and death because that is not a humanly sin at all that is an act of utter disgust people like that deserve the death penalty as they do not have respect for life therefor theres should be taken away
DeleteTo ERR is human and to forgive is divine
ReplyDeleteIt is possible she might have been coached by the police or her lawyer to fabricate all those lies. Let her rot in jail for all i care.
ReplyDeleterot in hell bitch
ReplyDeletei wana watch de clip 2 c 4 my self na shoo, so were is de video
ReplyDeleteu guys ar here SHOUTING GO TO HELL ROT IN JAIL, in ur closet ur doin unspeakable EVIL, Y not allow de law judge instead of abusin n insultin. una no holy pass o. 4giv n u shal b 4given
ReplyDeleteThe Law has no feeling. Had it been your child, would you forgive?
DeleteIf it was my child i would have beaten that bitch to death!!!
DeleteNo forgiveness.
Delete@hermotherslapsher too...does her mother also kick and step on her? Was it the baby that refused to give her money? What crime did the baby commit? Discipline her to the point of death? That flash light was small and soft? Discipline with hatred? Inshort, that girl doesn't seem to realize the magnitude of what she did.
ReplyDeletePhusek u witch... Rot in jail u wicked one!!!!
ReplyDeleteOkay we forgive you but still you going to Jail nunuza!!!
ReplyDeleteREALLY???!!!!! Lady, but I'm sorry, you cannot justify your actions by saying this. What you did was unacceptable! Just imagine for how long you would continue with this kind of treatment towards that innocent child. I DONT FEEL SORRY FOR YOU!!
ReplyDeleteFuck you...bitch..can i do it to you to
ReplyDeleteMay God see it fit NEVER to give you children.
Deletewell is only God that knows the real reason behind her action so i will say instead of cursing her ask God to forgive her because Jesus did condemn the harlot that was brought before him neither are we to condemn anyone. let God be the judge
ReplyDeleteu are devil himself, that child did nothing to you, if u were not happy u shud have sayd something. God will deal with you.
ReplyDeleteU deserve to rot in jail innocent soul hw can u do dat to a baby step on dat small body u cruel woman dey shud do da same thng to nxx
ReplyDeleteAaaaa!!! what do u mean by saying this? "I THINK, I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN"? U r soo evil woman. May God deal with u.
ReplyDeleteGod will go easy on this bitch, u need satan to deal with u wena mGoDoi
ReplyDeleteThat baby girl is innocent ! She didn't do anything wrong so WHY in your right mind would you abuse a little girl like that ! If you were unhappy with your job you should have told the parents or looked for another job ! What you did is NOT right and I'm sure that many people won't forgive you. If you want forgiveness you should pray to God and ask Him for forgiveness and even though He might forgive you, you will still serve your punishment, which is right ! You should realise what you did was UNACCEPTABLE no matter what ! You deserve that punishment.
ReplyDeletei hope u suffer in prison nd they rape u living u with hiv so u can die as well.. in such cases i condon capital punishment death by hanging to that u send a message to the rest of the child abusers out there.... u r a disgrace to mothers nd women.
ReplyDeleteGo fuck yourself,I would have killed you after seeing the footage bustard.
ReplyDeleteso you think,you are not sure that you will do it again or not?..........that was not TO ERR IS HUMAN ,was evil heartless HUMAN and forgiveness is not divine here.........
ReplyDeleteI believe that you don't have to be a mother for that video to shock you.i literally left my work to go home to my kids.what you did is unforgettable.if that was my child,believe you me I would be the one making statements like that.the difference would be I Won't be sorry cause your dead,I will be be sorry cause I won't be able to bury you six more feet.just stump the hell outta good for nothing piece of trash.your a bad excuse for woman.
ReplyDeleteher mase poes
You can go on your knees and thank Almighty God that it was not my child. you would have looked like ROADKILL when I am finished with you satan bitch.
DeleteUv done somethin bad and shockin.....u wer nt suppose to attack da baby...she is innocent, coudnt fight u back......jst serve ur term in prison....u r evil, u nid God
ReplyDeleteI don't think she is normal, this chick
DeleteIf I see u I will beat u every day for as long as I can. So please just ask for a life inprisonment. U did not just slap the baby u step on her so the peom I will never do it again makes me sick u will never do wat??? U are an agent of the devil. And should be in chains not prison .
ReplyDeleteOnly the nany and the bosses know their story, but there are some other bosses who can drive you crazy, speaking from experience, some are so cruel, but the solution is to look for another job not to pass it on to an innocent baby that is wrong
ReplyDeleteshe must be hanged.
ReplyDeletei forgive you as i believe we humans and we all take a ditch in life,but you deserve all punishment comin your way since you "THINK" YOU WILL NOT do it again...and stay away from kids cause you cant be trusted and you cant blame other situations for your doingz cause you an adult and you suppose to know that the BABY had nothing to do with your Struggle of ROT IN Jail where you will not think but know neva to abuse children...
i think its a little tooooo late to say sorry ,,,dont you think so girl ....
ReplyDeleteWho is going to take care of your farther now! I will keep you in my prays every night and every day! I will pray that you enjoy your stay in prison and that the other inmates treat you with less respect than you gave that little girl! I will pray day and night that they beat you up every day! - I can tell you this - you are the most lucky creature to wake this earth as if that was my little girl I would be the one in prison and you would have died the most painful death ever! Hope to night they beat you bad!
ReplyDeleteI dont care what people say about forgiving her !!! You cant beat a 18 month old baby almost to death you psycho bitch !! Do your time in prison and we hope you turn out beter then you were !! But for now rot in jail bitch
ReplyDeleteNo Excuse!! you a grown up person with a fully functional brain or are some of your brain cells missing??. You deserve to rot in jail and a person stronger than you to beat the hell out of you. Shame on you
ReplyDeleteI think you should also be killed you fuck ! that's what the government should do ,if you kill someone you mus
ReplyDeletet also be killed end of story .....There is no mistake on taking someone else life .
Fuck that! People like you don't deserve to live....
ReplyDeleteI can only pray for you. The judge is God.
ReplyDeleteShe deserves to die slowly for touturing such a defenceless creature. You have no heart danmit. Inmates must beat you more do that you live in terror like tha chlild. You disgraced us as women just during the campaign against violence on children. I hate you to death
ReplyDeleteIf you were any human at all you would never harm a baby like that no matter how angry you might be.. I don't think you deserve forgiveness after that lame apology. You have NO heart!!!
ReplyDeleteDIE BITCH DIE!!!
ReplyDeleteFuck u bitch.. You must die!
ReplyDeleteWhat if the hidden camera was not there?you were going to do this everyday to the kid! You deserve to die.
ReplyDeleteFuk she got off easy.. i say they must beat her every day for the rest of her life .. she must be beaten to the last bit of life left in her ...
ReplyDeleteShe deserves to die and rot in hell.. there's no excuse og beating a child up.. I would've killedher with my bare hands if she did that to my child.. Death penalty is well deserved here
ReplyDeleteShes lucky she ddnt do dat shit in SA townships she'd be half dead by now.
ReplyDeleteI cried as I watched the video. As a man of 40+ yrs, I couldn't remember when last I cried, yes when I lost my mother. That Nanny is simply wicked. I forgive her, but the consequences of your act, you must face according to the law. Many hardworking Nannies lost their jobs because of her. Pls lets forgive her but the wicked should be removed from our mist.
ReplyDeleteThere will be no half dead.. she will be just dead. . S A guys don't take shit.. I would tear her a new one with a crowbar
ReplyDeleteForgive her father ,for she did not know what she was doing
ReplyDeleteMany are saying it God who judges. This is true but God also laid out laws for us to govern a nation by. He made it clear that such treatment must result in the death of the perpetrator. He gave us authority to insinuate such convictions. He will then be the judge of eternal death or eternal life.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYhooo if i can c u I'll kick ur ass ...go to the nearest hell!
ReplyDeleteThere is no excuse for what you did, you must rot in jail.
ReplyDeleteSorry your shit,you wizard,you lizard,you enermy of progress you poverty diseases you should rot in jail actually you need to be hanged and die like a snake you bitccccch sorry your ass,what you did was totally unacceptable and evil you wicked witch!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteStanding on and kicking a poor defenceless child is no excuse for "punishment"
ReplyDeleteMaybe somebody should do the same to you. Hope you get what you deserve.
You need a mob justice and die slooowly and a painful death for what you did to that child
ReplyDeleteForgiveness is not for people like you, serve you term and I so wish those inmates can make you taste your own medicine every day and every split of a second.
ReplyDeleteam sorry too. you really didn't need to take your anger out on a child as that baby did nothing to you. why didnt you just went and look fora other job. coz now you will be in jail, your father will never see you again. and a baby will never be smiling again. thanks to you.
ReplyDeleteYour dad is dying, Mom is poor,world hates you and now you are in jail ...its best to think wisely before you action. See now 15 years in jail.You are paying for your mistake.Many have done worse but a child nkows nothing and ur a women one day you might be a mother and you'll feel our pain.
ReplyDeleteSo many judgemental comments. It's not our job to judge this woman's actions. I'm not saying what she did was right, but she will pay for her crimes, regardless of all this hate speech. Don't judge others just because they sin differently to you
ReplyDeleteI see that you don't have a child.
DeleteYa she is talking nonsense and its a lame excuse she mst be send to jail for life because what she have done to that cute baby is not right
ReplyDeleteNo excuse for what u dis to that poor baby. You are heartless if u were so unhappy n it boss was such a monster then u should have left.
ReplyDeleteYou crazy cc u we're suppose to deal with ur boss nt that little one,I forgive you bt serve ur sentence
ReplyDeleteYou should all be ashamed of yourselves! You have no right to judge! Everyone makes mistakes, some worse than others but you still have no right to judge!
ReplyDeleteI am getting tired of people who keep on saying we should not judge. Must we rejoice after seeing what she did, NO. Are we suppose to let criminals just do their deeds and keep quite? I think that is expecting too much from us. She must just go to hell
DeleteDe is no excuse in de world dat can justify what you have done. Jail time is not even enough. Wen we were growing we were told that bad people end up in hell where satan will just put them in the fire of hell. That would be the best punishment. You belong in hell
ReplyDeleteU were suppose to beat ur boss not innocent little toddler n all of us were have problems but we definetly don't take it to our kids u witch, i wish it was my baby ubuzowukhomba umzi osilutywala
ReplyDeleteHmmh what u dd though bt only God knws...
ReplyDeleteI only read the first to sentences of your explanation and I have to tell you that you make me as sick as when I saw the video.. You should've just kept quiet coz there is absolutely NO EXCUSE that could justify you nearly killing a innocent toddler.. You are cold, heartless and should not even be allowed near children ever again. I dont believe you sorry.. I pray that God has mercy on your soul and that the justice system does not fail this little girl!!! *Sorry excuse for a woman*
ReplyDeleteI hope your prison mates beat you to the point of death.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is sick and ur fathers sickness how does it affect that little gal I mean Un innocent soul,u deserve to be locked in jail sis .
ReplyDeleteLuke 6:37
ReplyDeleteU make me want to puke. Hitting a baby almost to death is no way to manage your stress so it'sa ppathetic excuse that you have come up with. Of you were so unhappy, why not find another job!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve every second of what you are getting you evil woman.
ReplyDeleteShe is an idiot. dont do what other people do.......she would have killed that child in the long run......but everyone deserves a second chance......I wud have killed her..........
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you making me laugh with your stupidity. No excuse in the world can justify what you have done to that baby girl. I really hope that justice gets served and that you will get a beating of a life time every single day in prison. People like you should not be apart of society.
ReplyDeleteShame, I knew there was a reason behind it the moment I saw the video, only a step mother can beat a child like that. Hope parrents are learning a leasson out of this, u cant miss treat sb who is taking care of yr kids its very bad it puts yr children at a big risk........... Just forgive yrself and u are forgiven blv me God has forgiven u and u deserve a second chance sisi. Just that God you did not kill the poor baby. All will be fine we all make mistakes what matters is that we learn from them and ask forgiveness as well as forgive ourselves. You are forgiven!!! As for 15 years in prison its far too much, if only u could afford a proffessional good lawyer, yes u derserve some punishment but not that much. All the best
ReplyDeleteI forgive you but i think to deserve to be in jail intu your mind function well , how can we trust nanny's to our kids? u destroy de world .