Dec 5, 2014

SHOCKING VIDEO: Pastor 'Stepping On Pregnant Woman's Stomach During Prayers' | Watch

Hmmm. This world is just full of weird things happening everyday. Okay. This is another surprising one and it's coming from Ghana.

Ghana Pastor steps on pregnant woman video

So, this Ghanaian Pastor was filmed matching and hitting a pregnant woman in church while he was conducting 'deliverance' on her.

Funny enough, his ushers and congregation where just looking on as he kept stepping on the heavily pregnant woman's stomach.

The woman was heard screaming in pains but the Pastor kept hitting her all in the name of 'deliverance.' 

Please, I need to understand this. Is God a violent God? Does it mean she wouldn't get delivered if her unborn child is not brutally stepped upon? Hmm. God is indeed a patient God.

Anyways, watch the video below but be warned, it's disturbing. Watch at your discretion!!

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1 comment:

  1. Omg.....does God wok dat way? This is unbelieveable!


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